On a Mission

Inspired by a sense of place for over 90 years, Rogue Creamery draws from the beauty and flavors of Southern Oregon's Rogue River Valley to create organic, handcrafted cheeses that have won international acclaim. But creating the world's best cheese is only part of our mission. We know that business can be used as a force for good. That's why we became Oregon's first public benefit corporation, "B Corp" for short, joining a global movement of companies that are committed to making the world a better place.

USDA Certified Organic Seal

We’re USDA Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth

In 2016, Rogue Creamery – along with our Dairy Farm and all our products – became USDA Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth. Our cheeses proudly bear the Organic seal because they are made with 100% organic ingredients.

This certification verifies that we adhere to the highest standards of quality, producing cheese that’s good for both people and planet. This includes:
  • Promoting soil health and biodiversity
  • Preserving native crop varieties to maintain healthy ecosystems
  • Reducing exposure to pesticides, growth hormones, and antibiotics
  • Improving water quality
  • Healthy working environments for farm workers and our rural neighbors
  • The best protection against GMO’s
  • Ethical stewardship of our land and farm animals
  • Prioritizing animal health and welfare

Sustainability at Heart

Our dedication to sustainability is woven into everything we do. From utilizing organic milk from local dairies to implementing eco-friendly practices in our production processes, we aim to ensure that our environmental footprint is as minimal as possible.

One of our two robotic milkers in action

Animal welfare is our priority

Validus Primary Logo

Certified Humane

Rogue Creamery is Animal Welfare Review Certified by Validus. You can trust that we treat our dairy cows with respect, giving them clean, healthy living conditions and a superior quality of life.

This certification ensures compliance with standards that include:
  • Proper animal handling and management
  • Herd health procedures and care
  • Food and water quality standards
  • Housing that promotes animal comfort and cleanliness
  • On-farm security procedures
  • Proper care of special needs animals
Learn More about the Validus Animal Wellfare Review

The best of our cheeses

A selection of what we do best